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8 Best Gun Control Ideas to Implement

4 min read

Control over gun access and reducing gun violence are at the forefront of modern gun control debates. While various sides have submitted proposals, little work has been done to substantially change gun control laws from a government standpoint in years. While gun violence and mass shootings have become more or less the norm, no action has been taken on a wide scale to prevent further incidents from happening.

Among the gun control ideas being floated out there, here are what we consider to be the best, supported by legitimate research and data.

Idea #1: More guns and more authority on-site is not the answer

In various scenarios, the data suggests that adding more guns into the mix does not work to successfully enable gun control. Easier access to guns or more people carrying guns does not equate to safety. It does the opposite and increases the likelihood of a fatality.

Also, adding more security personnel in likely gun violence situations, research and data show us that this only leads to disproportionate consequences, profiling of marginalized populations, and more arrests without effect on gun violence.

Idea #2: Using gun detection technology to pick up on concealed weapons

In public places, the risk of gun violence increases. This is where perpetrators target. Ideally, in these places, security wants to catch a perpetrator before they have had a chance to initiate any violence. Using gun detection technology and AI gun detection allows personnel to check individuals as they enter without touching or asking them to stop. If a gun is detected, an individual is flagged, can be pulled off to the side and questioned, and it’s all done without hassle or incident.

Idea #3: Re-evaluate who has access to guns and who does not

Though stricter gun control laws, background checks, and waiting lists work, it may be time to re-evaluate patterns in gun violence. Culling together the data, a simple act such as allowing a person in crisis to temporarily surrender their gun is a step in the right direction.

Evaluating what kinds of guns are allowed and which are not and for what purpose is an important element of gun control. Lastly, ensuring a registry to track gun ownership so that gun-related data can be tracked will allow us to better understand how guns are used.

Idea #4: Banning assault weapons and handguns

Canada has banned over 1,500 assault guns and launched a handgun ban. The prohibition of buying, selling, and transferring ownership of handguns within Canada is one of the strongest anti-gun violence measures taken in the country in decades. This has directly removed handguns from citizens’ hands and prevented the spread of certain types of guns that would not reasonably be used in a hunting context.

Idea #5: Minimize how many rounds a single gun can hold

There are various steps that Canada has taken with gun control that the United States and similar countries have not. To their credit, Canada has required its long gun magazines to be limited to no more than five rounds.

The country has banned the sale and transfer of large-capacity magazines, ensuring that a gun is limited in the amount of damage it can cause within a specified period. This helps law enforcement arrive at the scene and gain control over an active shooter situation with the least damage possible.

Idea #6: Format a national mental health plan to address gun control

Mental health is not treated with as much importance as physical health. To treat the gun control problem, mental health is a part of it. Many perpetrators of gun violence show warning signs, sometimes months before the incident. Furthermore, the underlying causes of gun violence – anger, isolation, alienation, depression, jealousy, or emotional control problems – can sometimes be treated and avoided for that person, the last resort of expressing themselves through gun violence.

Idea #7: Controlling illegal efforts to get unlicensed guns into the country

With gun control, a worry is that citizens will turn to illegal ownership if it is too difficult to legally own a gun. Firearm tracing efforts must increase, and border control measures that fight gun smuggling and trafficking must be expanded.

While most gun crime is committed with legally-owned weapons, the risk of gun control causing a small percentage of individuals to turn to the black market is enough to warrant investment in tackling illegal gun ownership at the root cause, supply.

Idea #8: Smart layout design with access control features that slow violence

In a public place, how the space is laid out is everything to stem gun violence. Be it a concert arena or sports stadium, tourist attractions, casinos, workplaces, or schools, and there are various ways to control and limit access that would slow down a perpetrator of gun violence. Evaluate access points.

Consider fencing. The size and material of your doors and windows and the type of door lock can matter. Combined with gun detection technology, this will ensure you’re in the best position to identify and resolve a gun-related issue.